


虽然您可以在没有挂牌代理的情况下出售房屋,但这可能不是最好的主意,因为这个过程涉及许多复杂的步骤。“如果做得好,它真的就像礼宾服务一样,卖家可以放松,让别人来完成这个过程,”Janai 说。“如果你是 FSBO [自售],那么所有这些都必须由你自己完成,而且你可能没有最好的信息。”




佣金在销售过程结束时支付,此时将处理税费、分层费和其他费用(称为调整)等财务问题。如前所述,在 BC 省,佣金是可以协商的,一些代理可能会使用以下公式:前 100,000 加元的 7% 和剩余余额的 3% 左右。然后,挂牌代理通常会将其中的一半提供给买方代理作为他们所做的工作。这意味着挂牌代理和买方代理都将获得前 100,000 加元的约 3.5% 和剩余金额的约 1.5% 左右,外加任何适用的税费。但请记住,不必这样计算,您可以与您的代理合作,将佣金设置为双方都同意的金额。



要将您的房屋列在 MLS(多重上市服务)网站(如 REW.ca)上,您必须与代理机构签订合同。正如 Janai 所解释的那样,“我们被指定为您的代表,而您是我们的客户。这是有特定原因的。当您与房地产经纪人合作时,当您是我们的客户时,我们有受托责任,必须以一定程度的开放 [和] 诚信行事。我们必须提供一系列东西,几乎与律师相似。”合同有助于确保这一点。

但在您被要求签署之前,还有一些步骤,让您有机会看看某个上市代理是否适合您。首先,您会看到一份交易服务中的代理披露 (DORT) 表格。此表格将解释由代理代理与不由代理代理之间的区别。您将签署并签署此表格,但这不是合同。相反,将其视为您已与经纪人一起审查过此信息的确认。

从现在开始,保密适用。“我们必须为您提供完全的隐私,例如保密,因此您现在对我们说的任何话对我们来说都只是关于您的动机、关于您出售的原因的秘密——没有其他人会知道这些,因为这可能会损害您获得最佳价格的机会,”Janai 说。“即使交易完成后,我们也会保持这种保密性。我们有责任避免利益冲突。”

如果您确定您喜欢这个经纪人并希望与他们合作,您将一起仔细阅读实际合同及其含义,包括佣金结构(又称报酬)。您将签署这份众所周知的上市协议。一旦您签署了这份合同,您就对这位经纪人做出了承诺。您可以稍后取消合同,但如果您不与新经纪人签约(或背着旧经纪人将房屋卖给某人),则在取消合同后会有 90 天的期限,在此期间,如果您的房屋售出,您仍需向该经纪人支付佣金。

因此,为了确保经纪人适合您,请事先进行调查。看看他们从事该行业并在您的市场工作了多长时间。与他们会面时,询问他们是否有处理过类似房屋和情况的经验。正如 Janai 所说,不要害怕询问潜在的挂牌经纪人是否可以按照您的时间表和目标工作。但请记住,在您与经纪人签署 DORT 之前,您所说的任何内容都可能与其他方共享,包括其他经纪人或后来感兴趣的买家。在签署 DORT 之前,请谨慎传播信息。


经纪人将帮助您完成的最重要的任务之一是确定房屋价格。正如 Janai 所说,这个过程“既是一门科学,也是一门艺术”。最终,有许多变量将决定您房屋的估价,但根据 Janai 的说法,它们可以分为几个主要类别:

为您的房屋合理定价是将其出售的最关键因素之一,也是使用挂牌代理人的主要原因。您的房屋也会有一个 BC 评估价值,您的经纪人可能会考虑这个价值,但这个价值用于确定房产税,而不是您房屋的公平市场价格。

您的挂牌经纪人还会考虑其他人的哪些因素不起作用,包括已取消和已过期的挂牌。“我们会查看这些因素,并再次进行类似的分析:房龄、面积,所有这些因素都会再次发挥作用,让我们了解市场绝对不愿意支付的价格,因为通常这些房屋定价过高,或者存在其他一些问题,导致买家不喜欢它们,”Janai 说。


如何选择挂牌经纪,其实很简单,也很复杂,但综合来说,是一个权衡经纪人的人品(Integrity), 销售专业度(Professionalism)和性格匹配度(Personality)的过程。在做决定之前,可以和几个意向经纪简单的电话沟通或者见面,然后根据以上的一些标准, 挑选一个让您“感觉舒服”的人选。


Words byZak Khan of REW.ca


什么是 BC 评估?
BC 评估为政府确定不列颠哥伦比亚省的房产税提供了一个价值。评估机构从去年 7 月开始每年进行估算。这是一个可预测的征税基础,但不一定会影响房地产市场。因此,省级房产评估通知上的数字并不总是您房屋的市场价值。

下面介绍一下 BC 评估价值和市场价值以及这些金额的贡献因素。

BC 评估价值是如何计算的?
指望评估员亲自访问每个家庭是不切实际的,因此他们必须依靠最能体现房屋价值的一般房产特征。如前所述,评估员根据去年 7 月的信息进行评估,因此可能会有些不平衡。


因此,BC 评估机构会为您提供您感兴趣的任何区域的基本信息。您可以访问他们的网站以查找您的房产信息或您感兴趣的房产。

BC 评估对房产税的影响
您的 BC 评估价值是您支付的房产税的一个主要因素,但并不是唯一的组成部分。还有您当地政府设定的房产税率、您属于哪个房产类别、您的市政当局是否实施土地平均和其他因素。



BC 评估对房主意味着什么?


BC 评估价值不一定会影响您房屋的市场价值


如果您想了解房屋的市场价值,您需要房屋评估。这不是 DIY 选项。您需要行业专家的帮助。房地产评估师将能够为您提供准确的房产市场价值指示,如果您希望:




如您所见,虽然 BC 物业评估提供了您物业价值的指示,但物业税是由政府分配的。即使是两个相似的物业也可能有不同的评估价值,因为它们不一定与您的物业的市场价值相关。

如上所述,很明显,BC 评估价值并不总是与实际市场价值一致。以下是三个主要原因:

评估师在确定 BC 评估时不会访问实体物业。但在购买房产时,人们会体验房屋本身,这会极大地影响市场价值。
房地产评估师在确定市场价值时会考虑很多因素,而不是像确定 BC 评估价值时那样使用狭隘的参考框架。
时间,因为 7 月份影响房产价值的因素到 1 月份可能会发生重大变化。相反,对于市场价值,您获得的是实时估值。
如果您担心房屋的 BC 评估价值与其预期市场价值之间的差异,那么值得联系房地产专业人士进行全面评估。他们不仅可以为您的房屋提供可信的价值,还可以指出可以提高房产价值的改进领域,如果您以后想出售房屋的话。





11.考虑替代住房选择。如果$120万在大温地区买不到合适的独立屋,那何不考虑下Duplex 双拼别墅, 联排别墅,公寓?或者在大温以外的地区选择更合适的独立屋?


11 Pieces of Advice for First-Time Home Buyers


Article written by Meagan Kelly

If you’re looking to make the leap into homeownership, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re wanting to buy a house, townhome, condo, new build or land, you need to have a grasp on how a real estate transaction works. We reached out to REALTORS® from across Canada to ask for some of their best advice for first-time home buyers. Hear from the experts on things like:

  1. Not getting discouraged if your offer isn’t accepted
  2. Being willing to look outside your comfort zone
  3. Planning for all expenses
  4. Understanding you may have to start small
  5. Leveraging technology
  6. Being patient with the process
  7. How much to spend on your home
  8. Finding a REALTOR® early
  9. Shopping around for mortgage rates
  10. Not completely draining your savings
  11. Considering alternative housing options


1. Don’t get discouraged if your offer isn’t accepted 

It’s bound to happen. You find what you think is the only home you’ll ever love, put in an offer, and it ends up getting rejected. Don’t let this halt your journey! Instead, use it as motivation to find something even better. 

“A rejected offer is not the end of your home buying journey,” says Nicole Ryan, a REALTOR® and salesperson with eXp Realty in Dundurn, Saskatchewan. “While it’s normal to feel disheartened, don’t let it dampen your spirits. Keep a positive mindset and remain dedicated to finding your perfect home that aligns with your needs and preferences. Working with an experienced REALTOR® can make a significant difference.”

Explore neighborhood trends to broaden your home search

2. Be willing to look outside of your comfort zone

“When it comes to finding your ideal home, it’s important to broaden your horizons,” explains Ryan Elliott, a REALTOR® with Royal LePage Atlantic Homestead in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. “Step beyond familiar neighbourhoods and consider exploring lesser-known areas. By venturing outside your comfort zone, you open yourself up to a wider range of housing options, potentially discovering hidden gems.”

Remember, each neighbourhood has its own unique charm and character. Attend local events, visit parks and amenities, and immerse yourself in the culture of different neighbourhoods. 

“Exploring unfamiliar communities gives you the opportunity to discover vibrant new environments that may surprise and delight you,” Elliott adds.

Your REALTOR® will also be able to assess trends in potential neighbourhoods, giving you the full picture of where a community stands before making a decision. 

Create a precise financial plan to avoid future financial burdens

3. Plan for all expenses, not just your down payment 

Your down payment is important, but it’s not the only expense to consider when saving for a home.  

“Don’t overlook additional expenses like closing costsproperty taxes, and homeowner’s insurance, and potential maintenance fees,” says Lisa Kloeble, a REALTOR® and salesperson with eXp Realty in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. “By considering these costs from the start, you can develop a more precise financial plan and avoid any unforeseen financial burdens in the future.” 

Curious about the financial responsibilities of buying a home? Here’s our guide on determining if you’re financially ready to buy a home. Oh, and don’t forget about furnishings and finishing touches; you’ll want to make your new place feel like home, and those costs should be included in your budget.

Consider starting small for first-time buyers

4. Understand you might have to start small 

Your first purchase won’t necessarily be your last purchase. Though the idea of a starter home may mean different things to different people, it typically means starting in a smaller space before working up to your forever home.

“I’ve seen so many articles about buyers worrying about being able to afford to purchase a property,” says Jeneen Marchant, a REALTOR® and associate with RE/MAX Real Estate in Edmonton, Alberta. “Everyone has to start somewhere, and there’s nothing wrong with starting in a nice, more affordable condo, townhome, or semi-detached property versus a larger single-family home. Just because you can afford a higher price based on your pre-approval, sometimes it’s better to start a bit smaller. Buying real estate has stepping stones versus going straight to the end game.”

“Starting small can be an excellent strategy for first-time buyers,” echoes Kloeble. “Don’t underestimate the potential of a cozy starter home that may not tick all the boxes, but can serve as a stepping stone towards your dream house. By beginning with a more affordable option, you can accumulate equity, build your financial stability, and eventually upgrade to a larger or more desirable property in the future.”

Leverage technology to explore available options

5. Leverage technology

No, technology can’t replace the experience of walking into a home side-by-side with your REALTOR® and feeling it out, but it can help you get a better sense of what’s available in your area, or maybe let you explore homes that aren’t in your neighbourhood.

“Technology can be your greatest ally [as a home buyer],” says Elliott. “Use online platforms, real estate apps (like the REALTOR.ca app), and virtual tours to explore properties remotely. This allows you to cast a wider net, investigate new areas, and narrow down your options before embarking on physical visits. Embracing technology empowers you to make informed decisions and saves valuable time during the home buying process.”

Be patient in the home buying process

6. Be patient with the home buying process

While yes, some people walk into their first open house and instantly know it’s the home for them, that’s typically not the case. For some, it can take months to find the right home. Sure, it can be frustrating, but that patience will pay off. 

“Patience is a virtue when it comes to the home buying process,” Ryan explains. “It can be tempting to rush into a decision, especially when you’re eager to become a homeowner. However, finding the right home takes time. Be patient, trust the process, and keep searching for the right match. Remember, a little extra time invested can lead to finding a home that truly meets your expectations and brings you long-lasting happiness.”

Carefully assess your home budget

7. Think about how much you want to spend on your home

You’ll need to give serious thought to how much you want to spend on your home itself, remembering you’ll also need to pay utility bills, insurance, mortgage, and property taxes. 

“It’s essential to evaluate how much you truly want to spend on your house, taking into account not only your mortgage approval, but also your long-term financial goals,” says Kloeble. “While it may be tempting to stretch your budget to the maximum, remember a higher mortgage means higher monthly payments and potentially more strain on your finances. Take the time to assess your comfort level and choose a mortgage amount true to your lifestyle and future aspirations.” 

It’s also important not to get drawn into the “just a little bit more” mentality. 

“Stick to your budget and prioritize what truly matters to you,” advises Kloeble. “It’s easy to get caught up in comparing your home to others or engaging in bidding wars that push your limits. Stay true to your financial plan and focus on finding a home that meets your needs, provides you with comfort, and is in line with your long-term goals.”

Find a REALTOR® early to guide you in the right direction

8. Find a REALTOR® early

The expertise of your REALTOR® is invaluable from the start, and can help steer you in the right direction before you head too far down a wrong path. 

“To navigate uncharted territory confidently, it’s crucial to seek guidance from experienced professionals,” says Elliott. “Enlist the help of a REALTOR® who specializes in the areas you’re exploring. These experts possess insider knowledge, market insights, and a deep understanding of local dynamics.”

Your REALTOR® will also help with the more complex components of buying a home, from mortgage shopping to legal issues. 

“Buying a home is a major life event and it will never be completely stress-free, but our job as your REALTOR® is to guide you along the way and to ensure every step is completed before moving on to the next one,” explains Marchant. “Between pre-approval, home shopping, possession, and beyond, a REALTOR® is there to help. There are also many other unplanned expenses and legal issues with buying a property where you need a professional to help guide you along the way.”

Find a REALTOR® early The expertise of your REALTOR® is invaluable from the start, and can help steer you in the right direction before you head too far down a wrong path. “To navigate uncharted territory confidently, it's crucial to seek guidance from experienced professionals,” says Elliott. “Enlist the help of a REALTOR® who specializes in the areas you’re exploring. These experts possess insider knowledge, market insights, and a deep understanding of local dynamics.” Your REALTOR® will also help with the more complex components of buying a home, from mortgage shopping to legal issues. Find a REALTOR® early to guide you in the right direction

9. Shop around for mortgage rates

Whether you’re working with a mortgage broker or going directly to lenders, you’ll want to get a few different options before locking in with one rate. 

“When it comes to getting a mortgage, resist the urge to settle for the first rate that comes your way,” Kloeble suggests. “Invest the time to explore different lenders and compare rates. Partnering with a lender who understands your financial objectives can lead to a rate tailored to your needs, resulting in significant savings throughout the loan term. By putting in a little extra effort to research and analyze rates, you can maximize long-term savings while ensuring your financial well-being.”

Compare multiple mortgage options before choosing

10. Don’t completely drain your savings. 

There’s nothing wrong with putting down a large down payment on your first home, but make sure you’re not using every dollar you’ve saved in order to do it. 

“While it’s exciting to invest in your dream home, it’s crucial to maintain a financial safety net,” says Ryan. “Avoid completely draining your savings for the down payment, as unexpected expenses may arise after purchasing your home. It’s wise to keep some savings aside for emergencies, repairs, or any unforeseen circumstances. By maintaining a financial cushion, you can navigate homeownership with greater peace of mind and financial security.” 

You should also look into different first-time buyer savings accounts to help maximize your dollar. 

Avoid depleting savings with a large down payment

11. Consider alternative housing options

Just as you might be stepping out of your comfort zone for neighbourhoods and features, you should also be looking at different types of housing and homeownership. 

“Explore different types of properties such as townhouses, condos, or even older homes,” Elliott suggests. “These alternatives may offer compelling advantages like lower maintenance, enhanced amenities, or larger properties. By embracing diversity in housing options, you expand your chances of finding the perfect home that suits your unique lifestyle.”

Expand your chances of finding the perfect home for your lifestyle

By taking these tips from the pros into account—and reaching out to your own REALTOR® for support—you can move through the home buying process with less stress and more time to enjoy the ride. 

简单来说,对于本身收入稳定,贷款金额和报税收入匹配的买家来说,如果自己有时间并且有能力和银行去谈的话,那么这种方法会得到更好的利率。但缺点就是个人需要去各大银行货比三家,并且如果不熟悉银行内部流程,短时间内进行多次credit check, 可能会对信用分产生影响。

而对于收入波动较大,贷款需求比较复杂的客人,并且工作非常繁忙,没有时间自己亲力亲为的买家,找一个有经验的专业贷款经纪,也是一个不错的选择。优点就是贷款经纪会帮您货比三家,他们对于不同银行的政策比较了解,在和您沟通完之后,基本上就能锁定几个银行或贷款机构能够满足您的需求,少走弯路。缺点就是会有一定的手续费, 贷款金额的1-2%。



What’s the difference between a mortgage broker and a direct lender? 

A mortgage broker is a licensed professional who acts as a bridge between potential home buyers and lenders. Shane Ferrao, a mortgage broker with YourMortgageYourWay.ca, says a broker will shop around for mortgage solutions on your behalf to ensure you get the best deal. They can also assist with finding lenders other than traditional institutions. 

“Mortgage brokers have relationships with dozens of lenders. For example, our brokerage works with over 59 different institutions,” Ferrao explains. “This helps us compare products so that we get potential home buyers the best deal.”

A direct lender is a bank, financial institution, or private corporation that provides mortgages and loans. They’re the ones deciding whether or not you qualify. Typical direct lenders are banks, whether national or international, as well as small to large financial institutions, like credit unions and virtual lenders. When you get a mortgage through a direct lender, you’ll be speaking directly to the people signing off on your loan. You’ll typically engage with a financial advisor or an employee that works at the institution, usually by booking a meeting in person or filling out an online form.

 Working with a mortgage broker

A broker is legally obligated to work with your best interest in mind, so you can feel at ease knowing along with your REALTOR®, you have another professional on your side that’s in your corner.

“A broker can help you navigate the ins and outs of all of the paperwork, and you’ll have a direct contact who is working in your favour,” Ferrao explains. “Mortgage brokers work for the customer and also for the lenders.”

As mentioned, a big advantage of a broker is they work with multiple lenders, some who don’t deal directly with the public and can sometimes get you approved even if you’ve been rejected by traditional banks. A broker will collect information regarding your financial situation—income, tax returns, credit reports, etc.—which are required by a lender, then evaluate how much you might be able to borrow and look into your best options. They know which lenders are more likely to offer certain types of mortgages, or ones that typically don’t approve loans for certain types of properties.  

Traditional lenders pay mortgage brokers, however some alternative lenders don’t pay as much. If a mortgage broker isn’t charging you a fee, that means they’re being paid by the lender. One potential disadvantage of going with a mortgage broker is if you don’t qualify for a mortgage with a traditional lender, brokers may charge a fee at closing, ranging from 1% to 2% of the mortgage balance requested. Bruised credit and insufficient income could be a couple of reasons why your mortgage would have to be placed with an alternative lender.

There’s also something called the loan origination fee charged by the banks, but in most cases when you use a broker, this is paid to the broker.  

 Working with a lender

The advantage of going with a direct lender is you’ve probably built a history with an institution, whether it’s a bank you’ve been dealing with since a young age or a digital bank you trade with. This previous history can make the process more comfortable for borrowers, especially if it’s your first time purchasing a home. Plus, if you have an existing relationship with the institution, you may be able to get a better rate or contract terms.

Going to the lender directly may also help you to skip out on fees associated with some mortgage brokers. However, the loan origination fee still applies—it’s just paid to the bank. The lender also makes money on the interest you pay, late fees, and other charges that may come up during the closing period. 

If you’re going to a direct lender, you’ll have to do your own research to find the best rate, as you’ll only see the mortgage products available at one particular institution. Once you compile all the options, you’ll have to sort through which makes the most sense for you based on mortgage type and rate. 

Curious how much your payments might change based on different rates? Tools like the REALTOR.ca Mortgage Calculator can help give you a better picture.

Moreover, if you plan on exploring different lenders, you’ll need to get credit checks with each one, which can count as a hit on your credit score, unless you get all checks within two weeks of each other. Lenders may also have a higher threshold for mortgage approval.

Whether you choose a direct lender or a mortgage broker, your REALTOR® can help connect you with the right person to help you secure a loan. They’ll be able to provide you with a list of trusted professionals they can vouch for and have worked with in the past. Once you’ve confirmed your ready to start the hunt for a property, let your REALTOR® know so they can provide all the guidance you’ll need. 


February saw steady home buyer demand and reduced home seller supply across Metro Vancouver*.

The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) reports that residential home sales in the region totalled 2,150 in February 2020, a 44.9 per cent increase from the 1,484 sales recorded in February 2019, and a 36.9 per cent increase from the 1,571 homes sold in January 2020.

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties and describes the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract.

Where a contract has been properly drafted and signed by the parties to the contract, and where the terms are clear and the contract is not for an illegal purpose, then it is likely that a Canadian court would consider the contract valid and enforceable.


地址: 225-8291 Alexandra Road, Richmond BC Canada
微信号: simonzhu02



MLS®, REALTOR®, and the associated logos are trademarks of The Canadian Real Estate Association 
The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS® and the REALTOR® logo are controlled by the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned and administered by CREA. Not intended to solicit those home buyers or home sellers that are under a current agency agreement.


How much can I borrow? Do a quick check.