符合条件的首次购房者可免于支付首笔200,000加币的PTT的百分之一,而剩余价格不超过$ 500,000的转售房屋的剩余价格的百分之二的PTT。价格在50万加币至52.5万加币之间的房屋可享受一定比例的豁免。 525,000加币及以上的免税额为零。外国实体和应税受托人没有资格获得豁免。
学到更多。 1-888-355-2700。
学到更多。 1-888-355-2700。
首都,大温哥华和弗雷泽河谷地区的主要住所最高可获得$ 570;
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。 1-888-355-2700。
5. CMHC首次购房者的激励措施
7. GST / HST新住房回扣
如果购房价格在350,000澳元或以下,新房购房者可以申请5%的商品及服务税返还。退税等于商品及服务税的36%,最高退税$ 6,300。对于价格在35万至45万元之间的新房,将按比例退还商品及服务税。价格在450,000加币及以上的房屋没有折扣。
加拿大税务局。 1-800-959-8287。
在2018年购买合格房屋的合格人员在提交2018年所得税和收益申报表时,可以在附表1的369行中要求购房者支付5,000加币。 2018年,购房者的最高税收抵免(HBTC)为750加币,这是通过将购房者的5,000加币乘以15%的联邦不可退还税收抵免率(等于最低个人所得税率)得出的一年)。
9. CMHC抵押贷款保险保费退款
一些金融机构向购房者/所有者提供特殊抵押,以使房屋节能。例如,房主可能有资格获得BMO Eco Smart Mortgage™或TD Canada Trust农村财产抵押。访问您的金融机构。
金融机构向房主提供贷款,以进行节能改造。例如,有Vancity的Home Energy Loan最高提供50,000加币,RBC的Energy Saver贷款为5,000加币以上的固定利率分期贷款提供1%的利率折扣,或者对固定利率分期贷款进行家庭能源审计的100加币回扣。超过$ 5,000。访问您的金融机构。
为家庭和企业提供了安装高效供暖设备和改善围护结构的激励措施。 BC Hydro,BC Fortis和BC Housing的合作
16. BC Hydro和FortisBC返利以提高房屋效率
BC Hydro和FortisBC为热泵,保温材料,防风罩,热水加热器提供各种折扣,并在18个月内进行两次合格升级提供300加币的
17. FortisBC新家庭能源回扣优惠
FortisBC和BC Hydro的客户在建造ENERGY STAR新房或安装高效天然气壁炉时可以获得
BC Hydro和FortisBC为房主提供回扣,以进行升级和改善,包括保温,空间和热水系统以及通风以减少您的电费。它们还包括用于完成三个或更多升级的额外优惠。可用回扣的总价值:最高$ 10,000。
BC Hydro和FortisBC为有收入的客户提供了一个免费的节能套件,其中包含有助于节省能源和金钱的产品。
20. FortisBC租赁公寓楼的回扣
21.加入Power Smart团队
成为Team Power Smart的成员,并发起一项挑战,以在明年将您的用电量减少10%。如果成功,您将获得$ 50的
BC Hydro Power Smart和参与的市政当局向购买ENERGY STAR干衣机和冰箱的房主提供100加币的邮寄
23. BC Hydro Power智能设备返利
洗衣机:返还50加币;冰箱-高达$ 100的回扣;烘干机最高可获得$ 100的回扣。
这项卑诗省政府计划为符合资格的低收入和中等收入家庭在2019年提供高达$ 400的税收抵免,并从2021年7月开始提供高达$ 500的税收抵免,以抵消卑诗省的碳税。
能源管理计划领导者与BC Hydro合作,每年为大型商业,政府和机构客户花费20万加币或以上。客户可以获得能源管理计划,工具和激励措施。
27. FortisBC商业回扣计划
对于商业建筑,您可以节省高达$ 500,000的费用来建造高性能,高能效的商业,多单元住宅或工业建筑物,以及高达$ 100万的费用用于工业建筑物的节能升级。
大温哥华地区的市政厅为居民提供打折的雨桶:里士满-$ 30;本那比-100加币;高贵林-60加币。其他城市可能有类似的优惠。
1. BC Property Transfer Tax (PTT) First-Time Home Buyers’ Program
Qualifying first-time buyers may be exempt from paying the PTT of one per cent on the first $200,000 and two per cent on the remainder of the purchase price of a resale home priced up to $500,000. There is a proportional exemption for homes priced between $500,000 and $525,000. At $525,000 and above exemption is nil. Foreign entities and taxable trustee are not eligible for the exemption.
Learn more. 1-888-355-2700.
2. BC Property Transfer Tax Newly Built Home Exemption
Qualifying buyers of new homes may be exempt from paying the PTT on a newly built home or newly subdivided unit priced up to $750,000 and a partial exemption on newly built homes priced $750,000 to $800,000.
Learn more. 1-888-355-2700.
3. BC Home Owner Grant
This grant reduces property taxes for home owners with an assessed or partitioned value up to $1.65 million. The grant is reduced by $5 for each $1,000 above the threshold and eliminated at $1.764 million (basic grant) and $1.819 million (additional grant). The basic grant:
- up to $570 for principal residences in the Capital, Greater Vancouver, and Fraser Valley regional districts;
- an additional grant of $200 to rural home owners elsewhere in BC; and
- an additional grant of $275 to seniors aged 65 and older, those who are permanently disabled, and veterans of certain wars.
Learn more. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 1-888-355-2700.
4. BC Property Tax Deferment Programs
- Property Tax Deferment Program for Seniors: qualifying home owners aged 55 and oldercan defer property taxes.
- Property Tax Deferment Program for Families with Children:qualifying home owners who financially support children under age 18 can defer property taxes.
Learn more. Vancouver: 604-660-2421. Elsewhere in BC:1-800-663-7867.
5. CMHC First-time Home Buyers’ Incentive
CMHC offers qualifying first-time home buyers with household incomes less than $120,000 a year and a five per cent down payment a 10 per cent shared equity mortgage for a newly constructed home or a five per cent shared equity mortgage for an existing home. The buyer repays the incentive later or at re-sale. The incentive reduces the amount of monthly mortgage payments.
6. Home Buyers’ Plan
Qualifying home buyers can withdraw up to $35,000 (couples can withdraw up to $70,000) from their RRSPs for a down payment. Home buyers who have experienced a breakdown in their marriage or common-law partnership even if they are not first-time buyers and those who have repaid their RRSP may be eligible to use the program a second time.
Learn more. Participate in the Home Buyers’ Plan.
7. GST/HST New Housing Rebate
New home buyers can apply for a rebate for the five per cent GST if the purchase price is $350,000 or less. The rebate is equal to 36 per cent of the GST to a maximum rebate of $6,300. There is a proportional GST rebate for new homes that cost between $350,000 and $450,000. There’s no rebate for homes priced at $450,000 and above.
Canada Revenue Agency. 1-800-959-8287.
8. First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit (HBTC)
Eligible persons who bought a qualifying home in 2018 can claim the home buyers’ amount of $5,000 on Line 369 of Schedule 1 when filing their 2018 income tax and benefit returns. For 2018, the maximum home buyers’ tax credit (HBTC) is $750, which is calculated by multiplying the home buyers’ amount of $5,000 by the federal non-refundable tax credit rate of 15 per cent (equal to the lowest personal income tax rate for the year).
Learn more. 1-800-959-8281.
9. CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance Premium Refund
This program provides home buyers with CMHC mortgage insurance, a 10 per cent premium refund and possible extended amortization without surcharge when buyers purchase an energy efficient home or make energy saving renovations.
Learn more. 604-731-5733.
10. Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI)
A program jointly sponsored by the provincial and federal governments provides up to $20,000 to help eligible low-income seniors and disabled home owners and landlords finance modifications to their homes to make them accessible and safer.
Learn More. 604-433-2218 or 1-800-257-7756.
11. BC Seniors’ Home Renovation Tax Credit
This credit assists eligible seniors 65 and older with the cost of eligible permanent home renovations to a principal residence to improve accessibility. The maximum refundable credit is $1,000 per tax year and is calculated as 10 per cent of the qualifying renovation expense (maximum $10,000). Forms are available online.
Learn more. 1-800-959-8281.
12. Energy saving mortgages
13. Low interest green renovation loans
14. Clean BC Plan
This plan is a new $679 million program of the BC Government that provides a range of incentives including up to $6,000 for buyers of electric vehicles, and $2,000 to replace a fossil fuel heating system.
15. Energy Efficient Buildings
There are incentives offered to households and businesses for installing high-efficiency heating equipment and building envelope improvements. A partnership of BC Hydro, Fortis BC and BC Housing.
16. BC Hydro and FortisBC rebates to improve a home’s efficiency
BC Hydro and FortisBC offer a wide range of rebates for heat pumps, insulation, draft-proofing, hot water heaters, and a $300 bonus offer for making two eligible upgrades within 18 months.
17. FortisBC new home energy rebate offer
FortisBC and BC Hydro customers can receive rebates when building ENERGY STAR new homes or installing high-efficiency natural gas fireplaces.
18. Home energy rebate offer
BC Hydro and FortisBC offer home owners rebates for upgrades and improvements, including insulation, space and water heating systems, and ventilation to reduce your energy bill. They also include a bonus offer for completing three or more upgrades. Total value of available rebates: up to $10,000.
Learn more. More information.1-877-740-0055.
19. Energy savings kits
20. FortisBC Rebate for rental apartment buildings
The Rental Apartment Efficiency Program for owners and managers of rental apartment buildings of nine or more units includes a new water-efficient shower head and kitchen and bathroom faucet aerator for each unit, an energy assessment, and ongoing professional assistance.
21. Join the Power Smart Team
Become a member of Team Power Smart and start a challenge to reduce your electricity use by 10 per cent over the next year. If you’re successful you’ll earn a $50 reward.
22. ENERGY STAR appliance rebates
BC Hydro Power Smart and participating municipalities offer $100 mail-in rebates to home owners buying ENERGY STAR clothes dryers and refrigerators.
23. BC Hydro Power smart appliance rebates
Clothes washers: $50 rebate; refrigerators − up to $100 rebate; clothes dryers up to $100 rebate.
Learn more. 1-800-224-9376.
24. Climate action tax credit
This BC government program gives eligible low- and middle-income families a tax credit of up to $400 in 2019 and up to $500 starting in July 2021 to offset BC’s carbon tax.
25. Leaders in Energy Management Program
The Leaders in Energy Management Program partners BC Hydro with large commercial, government and institutional customers spending $200,000 or more a year. Customers gain access to energy management programs, tools, and incentives.
Learn more. 1-800-522-4713.
26. Business Energy Saving Incentives
There are financial incentives to organizations that replace inefficient technologies with energy efficient technologies.
Learn more. 1-800-474-6886.
27. FortisBC rebate program for businesses
For commercial buildings, you can save up to $500,000 for constructing high-performance, energy efficient commercial, multi-unit residential or industrial buildings and up to $1 million for industrial building energy-efficient upgrades.
28.City of Vancouver Building Energy Retrofit Fund
Vancouver has a retrofit fund that includes $1 million to support and expand programs that result in energy efficiency upgrades for buildings. This also includes a Green Landlord Program to help non-market apartment building owners and operators reinvest in buildings and reduce energy costs.